Making changes in a voucher

You can change the postings in a voucher if the voucher belongs to an open period.

You can make changes by deleting rows, adding posting rows and changing existing posting rows.

Rows that you add will be underlined. Rows that you delete or change will be crossed out.

The Show deleted rows button can also be used in order to show deleted rows.

If you change a voucher that relates to a customer or supplier invoice, the posting for this is also changed in the accounts receivable/accounts payable. Exceptions from this are customer invoice journals for which recording is summarized. Another exception is if the posting row which is changed refers to a posting which is automatically allocated.

If you change the purchase posting regarding supplier invoice, this will also affect the purchase account for the linked purchase order, as well as the account displayed in the Supplier invoice log procedure.

Please note! If the system setting called Block from making changes in voucher rows is activated, it means you can only make changes in preliminary vouchers.